Learning how to multiply has always been a rite of passage for 3rd grade students, and you'll find no shortage of timed multiplication tests or multiplication worksheets online, however these should only be some of the tools you'll use to build multiplication skills.
Students start out learning multiplication facts and memorizing the multiplication chart is a key first step. A printable chart is a resource every student should have in their math binder until those facts can be recalled quickly and reliably. Having a few simple rules for learning the multiplication facts can be a strategy for building fact recall.
As your 3rd and 4th graders move on to two digit and three digit multiplication, other tools that illustrate exactly how to work these problems can help students work past stumbling blocks. A multiplication calculator that shows the work needed to break down multi-digit problems is one resource that students (and adults!) may find incredibly useful, and the interactive calculator linked here definitely shows how each step in a long multiplication problems combines to form the final product.
No matter how you get there, mastering multiplication is an important grade school skill that is a foundation for other math topics. Give the tools linked here a try and leave a comment if you have other suggestions!